Company name


English: Central China Real Estate Limited

Company secretary and qualified accountant

Mr. Tsang Ho Pong

Listing information of the Company

Exchange where the Company is listed:The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong

Company’s stock code:832

Listing date:6 June 2008

Principal share registrar and transfer office

Suntera (Cayman) Limited

Suite 3204, Unit 2A, Block 3, Building D,

P.O. Box 1586, Gardenia Court, Camana Bay,

Grand Cayman, KY1-1100, Cayman Islands

Other related information

Hong Kong legal adviser: Linklaters

Auditor of the Company: SHINEWING (HK) CPA Limited

Directors and senior management
Board of Directors
Executive Directors

Mr. Wu Po Sum (Chairman)

Non-executive Directors

Mr. Deng Gaoqiang

Mr. Shi Song

Independent Non-Executive Directors

Mr. Cheung Shek Lun

Mr. Xin Luo Lin

Dr. Sun Yuyang

Board Committee
Audit Committee

Mr. Cheung Shek Lun (Chairman)

Mr. Xin Luo Lin

Dr. Sun Yuyang

Remuneration Committee

Mr. Xin Luo Lin (Chairman)

Mr. Wu Po Sum

Mr. Cheung Shek Lun

Dr. Sun Yuyang

Mr. Deng Gaoqiang

Nomination Committee

Mr. Wu Po Sum (Chairman)

Mr. Cheung Shek Lun

Mr. Xin Luo Lin

Chief Executive Officer

Mr. Yang Mingyao

Registered office of the Company

Cricket Square,

Hutchins Drive, P.O. Box 2681,

Grand Cayman, KY1-1111,

Cayman Islands

Principal place of business

The PRC:Block E, Jianye Office Building, Nongye East Road, Zhengzhou City, Henan Province, the PRC

Hong Kong:Rm. 7701B-7702A 77th Floor International Commerce Centre, No. 1 Austin Road West, Kowloon, Hong Kong
